Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Weight Loss 5 Pounds

Okay so one of the rules of Weight Watchers is that you are only suppose to weigh yourself once a week. I have to say I can't do that!! I am way to impatient, and although I am not of the younger generation, I want INSTANT gratification. So this morning I stepped out of the shower and decided to step on that old scale.  I wanted to make sure I gave myself a fair shake so I towelled off and dried my hair ( I hear water  adds ten pounds). I stepped on the scale and to my utter joy I had lost five whole freaking pounds. Go figure, eating less and moving more, seems to be a viable way to loose the fat.
So now I am sitting here drinking my third or fourth bottle, whoops I mean glass, of wine to celebrate my fat loss. I am drinking Black Cab from  East Dell Estates Winery.  EastDell  Estates Winery  is  a  great place if you like to try before you buy.  My husband and I visited when we were in Niagara on the Lake and he was sold when he sipped this nectar from the gods. I am not usually a red wine drinkerbut I have to admit this wine goes so well with a  bbq steak.
As an aside, I am pretty sure that wine isn't part of dieting but with Weight Watchers; if you are organized, you can eat anything you want and still have points left over for the Sunday Splurge.  Check back on Sunday and I will tell you what the Sunday Splurge is.

Back to what I think about losing weight. I think that it is so much easier to lose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking continue exercising etc.  if you have a  support group. So I have looked up some other blogs written by women who are trying to get healthy and lose weight. So far I have found  two bloggers who I would like to connect with.  I was really moved by their words, struggles and accomplishments. I do hope that they may visit my blog to support me as well. .Shout out to and  I am officially part of your support group. Anything you need let me know!


I have a long way to go to  meet my husbands expectations. JOKING!! Check out his screen saver. For months  I use to be his screen saver. I was very proud to have that role. When cat women took over I was only  jealous because of the people she got  to network with! Can you say Batman? YUMMY. It had nothing to do with her HOT BOD or her super powers (she can't even fly).  I mean really,  I have met a lot  of cats and I am sure you will agree, none of them have been overly impressive. . 


I took my dog to a new vet today,  I loved them. Everyone was so awesome. If you live in Toronto I highly recommend KINGSTON ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL  the staff are  really great. Their dedication to the animal world is amazing. One lady helped me, despite her massive allergy attack. She had hives and was itching, not unlike my dog. I asked her what she was allergic to, she said, dogs.... She asked me what Marley was allergic to, I said people. It was love at first site between the two of them... Stay tuned for the new blog Marley and the Assitant Vet.

Next I met Marley's new vet, Dr. M.  It was an awkward first encounter as Marley hurled her 66lb body and landed right on his "jewels" I am quite sure Dr. M's voice went up an octave after meeting Marley. I am pretty sure that it hasn't lowered to normal six hours later: Marley says  "Wowrry Roctor. M"

During our meeting Dr M asked me about Marley's vaccinations. Had she had this, did she get that blah, blah, blah , blah, blah , blah, blah, blah something about pooh!
Whatever I know, I do know  I couldn't answer any of his questions. I thought two things.
A- I would make an awesome spy, no matter what they ask, I will never reveal the true answer; and 2,  If  this had been Jeoprady I would have totally lost!
I felt my face glowing red and thanked my husbands non reversable vasectomy that I didn't have kids. I was a pathetic dog mom! Then  Dr M made it even worse when he said the 5 words I never wanted to hear.

QUOI?  I said, I thought she was just really furry! Wasn't she?  I can see my mom sending me articles from the Globe and Mail saying that Marley's lack of sleep has led to her weight gain around her stomach.. Now I need help for myself and my dog. Any suggestions please post below. So we are all aware of our goals, Marley needs to lose 6lbs- lucky girl!

I Have to Lose MORE....

If you can please send notes of inspiration, words of wisdom or whatever you think it will take to help me. MOVE MORE and EAT LESS.

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success". 
... Henry Ford

Take Care and Tweet me words of support  @jogetslean


Signing out



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